
Sunday, 30 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2011
gambler of life to distract

eternal child fresh eye attack

hedonist with a muse of grace

prince to move into your space

damsel in a tower far

divine child pure light of star

shapeshifter moving with ease

hermit to focus and release

servant to no one but all

martyr for own selfish fall

athlete to embrace ego

teacher to tell you how to go

tis the gambit of the deal

each card a spoke in the wheel....

L.A. Maihi

Saturday, 29 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2010
I'm too tired to rhyme, I feel outta sorts outta time, I'm trying to rest and stay in-line but it never works I get bored...sublime
I need a spark to churn, I need a reason to live to learn, I'm trying not to get burned but I always do turn
the pocket is empty, the collar is down, the lapel is flat, there is no sound
I'm too unsettled i fear, a feeling of 'don't care', I'm uneasy with what I  hear, somethings outta kilto..... unclear
I need to calm down my skin, it's crawling on me and in, past spell for my watcher-of- sin, he guards the door, no-one in
the heart is cold, the blood is drained, the eyes are dull, take the pain
I'm too unfocused to see, a world of never to be, for within that thought I can't see, a way out of...misery
I need to stop in place, where everything falls to grace, and words can rest in space, slow your pace
a cry is sounded, sit on your hands, cover your eyes, do not stand
Nature, nurture, cradling heat, heartbeat pounding...heartbeat
tears, helpless, craving alone, silent loving..blood and bone
embrace with heart, surround with love, do not crave, to go above.....

L.A. Maihi

Friday, 28 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
I need to raise the barriers
bring back up those walls
harden up my heart
before a mighty fall

I cannot be this naked
I cannot be this raw
I cannot feel this much
I cannot feel... no more

too tired with emotion
too tired with the strain
too tired with the prospect
too tired with the pain!!!

the journey continues
the journey to where?
the journey of life
but who the fuck cares?

I need to focus inward
to see the way back home
I need to walk the path
to know I'm not alone

I need to understand
why man was made a man
to never lose the sight
of walking hand in hand

to reach toward the light
to wrap the dark around
to hold onto the dream
to listen for that sound

the walls must fall
the body must feel
the heart will learn
how to heal....

L. A. Maihi

Thursday, 27 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
tis a hole I want to jump in
with a sky of dirt
to rest my heart upon a knife
and let it's journey hurt

tis a tree I want to hide in
underneath the bark
to splinter all my bones
and leave a bloody mark

tis the ocean I yearn to sink in
without any breath
to watch the bubbles go above
while cradling my death

tis a storm I wish to join in
hail pelting my skin
lightning strikes my face
the blackened flesh within

I seek no joy nor want it
I need no smile to see
but wallow within myself
to just let it be....

L. A. Maihi

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


L. A. Maihi 2010 -
The clock marks the wall the wall marks the hands on the clock in the hall.
Waiting for the time tick-tocking by the time it's too late to wait its knocking.
No one's coming to ease the pain for all who come will leave again...

When what you want never shows it's you who wants to show what you know.
Even though when it does show it's not what you want but who you know.
For it never goes without a show of how you want it to go....

Waiting for the time to go waiting to go in time with the flow.
It never speeds but goes slow for when it goes it flows so slow.
But never ever do we know how the time is meant to go....

The clock marks the hands in the hall of the clock that stands on the wall.
Waiting for tocking-tick time that's knocking it's time to tick.
For the pain to ease for all who come will not appease.......the WAITING

L. A. Maihi

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
step back in time
to see
the white line
that divides
you..and me
see its
never meant
to be
not to
white line
tis but
look but
not see

L.A. Maihi

Monday, 24 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2011
is it the yearning burning so bright
is it being human to reach for the light

is it the intent of desire that inspires

to search is so natural to aspire

do we not always want

to be without desire

is to have no fire

yet if we are still

yet if we wait until

let sleeping dogs lie

tis a sad notion

to set in motion

to lay down and die....

L.A. Maihi

Sunday, 23 September 2012


Arriving to end... at the beginning apart
circles of steps... surrounding your heart

around each bend... is the straight & narrow
around each corner... the point of the arrow

Head in one direction... then turn to face north
walk in behind yourself... then travel forth

never look down... don't delve into that path
for your light leads the way... shining deep in your heart

Ever seen the reflection... of dark glowing face
A landscape of change... a mountain to race

eternal, maternal... the weather of change
that leaves debris... hanging upon your frame

Head for the mountains... but always look back
to learn how to live... with the future intact

listen to the old... but live in the now
for the myths of the past... will show you how

Reach out your hands... into the water cold
follow with your body... let the present unfold

calm down the surface... to a glass sheen
smooth over the waters... to a solid machine

Tis Time to Lord... the passing hand
to tick off the clock... and make a stand

scaffolding in catch the fall
to create your taonga... is a gift it to all

L.A. Maihi

Saturday, 22 September 2012


L. A. Maihi
BATTEN down the hatches armour up the heart watcher at bay he is the warrior CLASS
sharpen up your senses... mischief at hand running the perimeter protecting our stand

FEELING unease with some blackened sand running with wolves laying hand on LAND
looking behind while focused ahead holding the living while cradling the dead

HOW dare you try to make a war when life is love for you no MORE
Tihei mauriora kia kaha whanau to reflect the love is the ONLY way to go

TIS a strength untold that dark cannot light for aroha will conquer and split open the night....

L.A. Maihi

Friday, 21 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
BATTEN down the hatches harden up the heart clear out the house... be the warrior CLASS
sharpen up the edges set watchers at bay welcome all to you but never let them stay

OPEN up the mind student commencing school knotting of the ropes picking up the TOOLS
set the sights to high vanish behind the pain of something beyond of something insane

FOR now is the hour to set the story right to focus with intent to split open the NIGHT
minutes turn the clock the clock turns past hours in the day the days never last

TIMELORD back in force to slay a wanton deal never have to pander to what the heart FEELS
never is so long so long to never know but never is here and here never to show

THAT something can't touch imprisoned in the truth for searching is the way to remain BULLET-PROOF
so follow the yellow path across the bridge of stone to cherish a colourful rainbow

3 taps to home

 L.A. Maihi

Thursday, 20 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2011
tis a whimsy on my part that the heart will start/ with an almighty blow from a fist smashed into the chest/while I lay me down to die/hands across the breast filled with tane's baskets that he wrest-ted from above for that was his destiny his many loves/ release the birds and open the gate exit stage left don't be late this isn't a date but a destiny for all who follow from now to eternity/tis a lesson to be learnt that the baskets are offered with love from above so don't ever judge what you simply don't know just go with that feeling with that flow for in time a timelord will see that their destiny lies where the rest of me despises what lies upon papa is not the way to go it is not right yet I see where it leads me...

L.A. Maihi

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2010
whimsical mood in the eyes

mind slowly landslide

slippery slope of diatribe

sanity polarity of pride

never the twain towers

between salty sweet sours

heady smell deadhead flowers

undersell these dark hours

carrying what can't be held

deathly vodoo charmed spells

twisted tails of jackal shells

shade of night driniking well

feel the taste of those unreal

why do we sell this dirty deal

when all around is political spiel

and nothing is as nothing real

so tiptoe across the street

from underneath I delete

and struggle over black sleet

to drown under your heartbeat

darkness descends on head

lay the bones upon a bed

of rose-skin apple red

hold onto what once was dead...

L.A. Maihi

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
return to the cave/ demolition on the rise/ foundation collapsing/ bitter- sweet disguise

return to the cave/ lock that heart away/ don't even go there/ it's you that has to pay

return to the cave/ you have a job to do/ focus with intent/ it's not about you

return to the cave/ you need to take your time/ for time is the essence/ of what's in your mind

return to the cave/ let your blood run cold/ now is not the time/ to have and to hold

return to the cave/ timelord at bay/ distractions can wait/ don't lose your way

return to the cave/ stay on the path/ to stray is unthinkable/ lock up your heart

return to the cave/ you've been there before/ but this time the last/ after more!

L.A. Maihi 2012

Monday, 17 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2010
nice to sit and let your fingers rest
along for the ride I am with the threading of the needle
I spy a queen and king but their crowns are far from clean
I stripe the cloth with a crowning scene

nice to sit and let your mind rest
I know the tick of the clock will catch me soon
but not if my line of sewing is upon the cloth of red
like a book this costume living dead

nice to sit and let your memories rest
the cotton has rested here before but is no more
the fabric is frayed and the edges are raw
it is in motion this Universal law

L.A. Maihi 2012

nice to sit and let your heart rest
to much has gathered under my hands
they create and destroy with the flick of a wrist
they do as they want with Io in tryst

nice to sit and let your wairua rest
spliced into dimensions like dice
so many choices so many things to do
why is the question, why is it valuable to you

nice to sit and let your soul rest
fields are planted, crops are sown, what we do best
nice to rest your soul and let
it happen but then
a spark and big-bang theory again....

L.A. Maihi

L.A. Maihi 2012

Sunday, 16 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2010
tears of the mermaid




each one a symbol





salt water country




stompin the pindan





staircase to the moon




climbing to heaven





Sentinel on guard




fortify the pa





seek out the treasure




focus on the journey





L.A. Maihi 2011

Friday, 14 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
I've passed this way before
I deja vued some souls
they think they have control
but life is just like that...

I've watched the sun set on this shore
with a bow upon my back
I rode the plains upon my steed
but life is just like that....

I birthed into a cave of light
with my family intact
I cried to see shadows alive
but life is just like that....

I swam beneath the turquoise waves
a flash of scaling stack
my hair it flowed over my eyes
but life is just like that....

I jumped upon the struggling bird
was hungry just a fact
then slinked across the garden wall
but life is just like that....

I flew into the starry night
my eyes wide open with the flight
I saw the world in a different light
but life is just like that...

I lay cradled in his arms
my life was fading fast
I knew his hopes were his charm
but life is just like that...

I hunted the bison on the plains
my arm held steady as a tack
I watched my children grow from seed
but life is just like that...

I sat upon my legs of wheels
an empty shell of bric-a-brac
the carriage had taken my body back home
but life is just like that...

The sun streamed in the window clear
my buckled body spent and slack
I dwelled upon my crippled spine
but life is just like that....

I take my soul to the waka
on which we journey back
I breath the last taste of air
but life is just like that...

L.A. Maihi

Thursday, 13 September 2012


As the wind lifted the damp tendril of hair from the nape of her neck, she glanced around quickly to see if she'd been quick enough to catch a glimpse of the Wairua that walked boldy across her grave...

No such luck! Gone to dust...they say it starts with a flutter of the heart and then a cold, damp surge of knowing while goosebumps invade your skin and lift the hairs from your body....but they don't tell you about the pit of dread that is unleashed within your soul...the embrace of the melancholy....the taste of the air, heavy with waiting. The smell of knowing weighing you down with the addded poundage of ....may be I'm right!

Oh...God...don't let me be right!!!

A bead of sweat was released from my forehead as I bowed my head and gave in to the feeliing of the inevitable...the call of the wild...the step from the cliff....the blind slide into ???? My hair fell softly back down upon my skin that had awakened with the imminent buzz of cold fear. The spirit had trodden heavily and I could feel its wake....

Take that step, spread those wings, tis only right that the spirit would sing
don't look back upon the path, it is not now,
for it is this moment that will last
the past and future are here and now, let the sweat bead upon your brow
the only time worth its weight, is the here and now, future is never past is too late

I move the damp tendril and know I am watching me....hehehe to be split in two and then I glance at myself from above, 3 ways or is the number not important just the doing? I type the story on my laptop and know that I am watching me in my mind. The ink on the paper relegates my observations to a 2-dimensional world and yet the dimensions are infinite. I type while watching myself move a damp tendril then laugh as I notice from above that my hair is all mussed up and so the words are typed and as I move the tendril I smooth the mussed up hair, in all dimensions....the movement of a tendril is enacted and observed...but which one is reality.....


L.A. Maihi 2012
Lizard eye staring straight/into my soul for it to take/over and drag you down under the bridge no water no sound/then throw you through the rusty gate/the keeper of death the keeper of hate/step over the bodies step into the night/rider reaching up from plight/grounded in heat/ balanced in snow/never to leave only to go/ball and chain to keep you close/to what you think you desire the most/often it aint what you get/but what you need is indeed not yet/so hold back that lizard of stone/that comes down the mountain/that comes from home/tis a brother of old/tis a mother of past/where whanau is whanau/and rocks will last/so let the pebbles release to the sand/for we are all blood/on Papa we stand...L.A. Maihi 2012

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2010
the line is drawn come take my hand/we need to walk to the promised land/where sugar and spice go hand in hand/looking down upon an ice cream land/the path leads up a winding hill/it takes us to the sugar mill/of apple crumble creamy spill/where violets flower with daffodils/the time has come it draws us in/to the land of honey and chocolate sin/where the caramel is runny/and diets are in the bin/so let us explore with custard pies/to a world of sugar-coated surprise/where truth is love and hurt all lies/so live in our heart through the child's eyes.....

L.A. Maihi 2012

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
the words that fall from my tips that encircle my hands upon which they are stitched/the grammar is stilted by the tilt that is wilted/as they keep sliding upon the slippery slope to hiding/amongst what all others can't help but see/that the mirror reflected is not me....

the image is tight while beneath the surface I fight/to let my light shine upon all that is mine/what's mine is yours but we only give for a cause/yet all that I own I would gratefully loan then not receive back/due to my own possessiveness lack/but the value is a myth that if not calculated does not exist/so free it can be but of no value you see/so put on a price and let them haggle and fight/for something of worth must have struggle, pain and hurt/if given for free no value to see....

L.A. Maihi

Monday, 10 September 2012


L.A. Maihi  2012

the words they gather upon this page, like no other theatre stagejigsaw pieces that make the whole
the truth of Io the truth of old
each word a detail in the myth of make
each dash an action of give or take
each dot a planet of where to stay
each capital an idea of this word play

reverse the words and figure it out, this is another time of doubt
walk the line to the dictionary seat
open the pages release the heat
make your way through the maze of tales
that twist and turn with wooly hay bale
end the sentence and conclude the piece
tie up those endings nice and neat

release the words upon the stage, for the human voice to rant and rave
emotions are gathered upon the dust
where sorrow is hidden beneath the lust
the need for greed with greenful eyes
can melt the ice cream covered skies
the words are blamed for the treacherous tale
for we are can run in the wind with sails

so take the time to create a line
of words that lead you all to mine
tis here upon this page we trust
that words will break or bust.....

L.A. Maihi

Sunday, 9 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
lay within the arms of mist/mind dwells deep below

lay on skin in total bliss/body pressed so firmly slow

lay within your soul so light/mind heavy with a need

lay beside the opening night/rippling covered seed

lounge upon the earthly bed/where heart is nurtured true

lounge without a tear to shed/for pain and loss aren't new

lounge beneath the starry sky/where Mataariki beckons me

lounge within your whanau ties/where many eyes look down to see

sleep within your arms so wide/ let the wind flow over you

sleep upon the incoming tide/ cradled in the clouds so true

sleep upon your hair unbound/ let it cling like mist to skin

sleep upon long grass around/ balanced on a night of sin....

L.A. Maihi

Saturday, 8 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
Heck WTF... was that/it flew in my ear/straight off the bat/what's that

crap/damn brains gone blurry/ and my hands are furry!!!/OMG... where's my french

manicure/can't take pics with hairy paws /and now here come the claws/

mane is itchy/ poodle in the corner/hairdressers what a pain and then she/ cut

my mane again/ man don't wanna sound bitchy but this is a pain/ now my tails

itchy and with nothing to gain/ poodle sitting/my skin has fur my brains still a

blur/this aint funny gotta run for your money/poodle closer/geez narelle...I got

fangs/OMG they are beautifully sharp/get out the harp/these babies are for after

dark/ummm...poodle/ and now my voice has gone/omg...I can't even sing my

song/kapa haka WTF/ shoot the duck with buck/shot the lot and stick it in the

pot/but why cook when raw is best/'bout time for a poodle-fess.....

L.A. Maihi

Friday, 7 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
tis time for a gift

to be given

to self

from heaven

not even

if you

can tell

that this


is a






and tell




is the












this is

an art







L.A. Maihi

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
the heart it starts to beat the time
then out of this becomes sublime
to stagger and fall off the shelf
to mirror reflect to embody yourself
time to tick this life along
tine to underscore this song

the angels came and took me away
to be replaced with the edge of a fray
the unravelling weave upon the warp
the ground of beige the life of taupe
immersed in colour upon the edge
a twist in the helix double or dead
time to leap from cloud to cloud
time to scream this life out loud
time to wake up whats at rest
time to break up all the best
come back to me
come back to see
that only I can set me free....

L.A. Maihi

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
as the light assaults the shade/dark forever light unmade/ill-will will spread towards the edge/hold tight those living dead/ te Po will beckon and I must go/into the light of darkness glow/down deep so far into a hell/where all is breathless so toll that bell/down deep into the pit of doom/down deep where there is only gloom/keep going on down until you groan/then you arrive and welcome home..
L.A. Maihi

Monday, 3 September 2012


L.A. Maihi 2012
to win what you’ve lost... is not winning

It’s rolling too fast... it’s speeding along

I’m singing out loud but not to a song

I’ve been distracted, my focus is fractured

the story must stop now…before it is acted

The distance the chaperone... big land to hide

finish don’t start it…protect your pride

Don’t even go there... there’s no place to go

from the pan to the fire…what don’t you know

Open your eyes... don’t listen to the voice

you have so many options…so much choice

don’t jump in the water... to drown is a waste

back on track now ..home is your place

Just let it all slide... the pain will subside

clear your mind… leave it behind

you know what to do... stand up..e tu

time to go home…..back home to you....

L.A. Maihi

Sunday, 2 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
death shall have her dominon back
when I reach for her and she reaches back
I wrap my arms within her grasp
her bones are cold behind the death mask
her breathe is vapour inhaling your life
separating the urge between fight or flight
her eyes reflect in my dark glow
as my fingers drip the black- river flow.....

death shall have her dominion now
for she is impatient to learn the how
she leads the way upon the path
and heads to stave the almighty staff
she lives to love and dies to see
how life is never gonna be
for she will open her eyes so dark
and light the way up to the ark....

for death shall claim what is hers alone
and leave the rest to clamber home
she needs no peace no mind no name
for she is wrapped up in the game
all who wait for her to come
in vain they are she owes no one
she will come in her good time
for death is neither yours or mine....

death shall have her dominion back
when I reach for her and she reaches back....

L.A. Maihi


L.A. Maihi 2012
I was old before I came/I have wept for me in shame/I sweep aside this path of gold/to listen to the story old/I wait and watch and retell the truth/to switch on a light unhinge the roof/I shine the torch into the dark/to take the spirit up on the bark/I reach for Io to have and to hold/and mirror back what I am told/I am a vessel to magnify all/to encircle with love to take the fall/I feel no remorse I feel no pain/I need no answers I need no gain/I seek the light that glows so dark/to ease my soul/up on the ark/I live to die and live insane/I will forgive and you will gain....

the light doth shine within this soul/this soul that loves so much so bold/and in this life of build and make/the spine of back will undertake/undertake to move along/the songlines belly upon the song/the snake to take this soul so old/will slither upon what has been told/the mohio of old will leave the cave/into which the body and soul doth crave/the cave of shadows upon the walls/where man can see and man can fall/what is mirage and what is real/is reflected in the deck of deal/we seek what has not been foretold/we seek to bring new from the old....

I forgive and you will see/that who I me

L.A. Maihi

Saturday, 1 September 2012


L.A. Maihi
Let the ink dry/ and the memory of pain subside/ the pressure of hands to soothe the skin/ while the needle cuts within/ is told a story of old/ of Tane coming in from the cold/ to light the korero from dark/ deep deep imprinted on the heart/ so open those eyes and seek truth/ where one could ask for such proof/ that I am special yet not/ to wonder to ponder your lot/ has eluded my frame of mind/ where to question such things has slipped/ and got lost with phantom ghost-chips/ yet the questions still remain/ the question of life/ the question of purpose, love, pain....

So now while the skin heals/ and the body remembers the feel/ I seek to unravel the past/ where ink will sink in and outlast/ what the spirit has gifted to all/ yet the question is held and recalled/ why do we walk upon earth/ where we are tested behind mother's skirts/ and sent forth to create/ our world of love and hate/ we control the flow of the feel/ yet we still seek to damage and heal/ in a cycle of one and then two/ binary world complete of undo/ our dna created to last/ is smeared to withstand our grasp/when we are released back to the past....

L.A. Maihi